Welcome to the Waterville Valley Wig Wag

Waterville Valley Wig Wag Logo

The Waterville Valley Wig Wag is published monthly by Mike Furgal, Bill Powell, and Andy Knight.

You can pay for an annual subscription with your credit card securely online with the following links:

Automatic renewal for your email subscription ($20/year, charged to your credit card on your anniversary date until you cancel)

Automatic renewal for your paper mail subscription ($30/year, charged to your credit card on your anniversary date until you cancel)

You can also pay annually for subscription with the following links. We will send you an reminder before your subscription expires:

Subscribe for email delivery ($20/year with your credit card online)

Subscribe for paper mail delivery ($35/year with your credit card online)


Other subscription options include:

1.) Use Paypal – send money to info@wvwigwag.com – remember the ‘wv’ in wvwigwag.

2.) Use Venmo – send money to Michael-Furgal –  (last four digits of Mike’s phone number are 2870)

3.) Send a check made out to Wigwag, PO Box 383, Waterville Valley, NH 03215

New Subscribers – Please provide a physical mailing address to info@wvwigwag.com for our records. Thanks!

Advertisers: You can pay for your Wig Wag advertisement here — and thank you for your support!